save the reef - slay them all

lionfish have invaded our Caribbean waters


Causing catastrophic damage to our natural and artificial reefs. Lionfish are perfect invaders and with their vigorous appetite, no natural predators, and insane reproductive rate, there is only so much we can do.

How can we help?

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Become the ultimate lionfish Slayer

Get your PADI Distinctive Specialty, Invasive Lionfish Containment Diver created by Salty Spines founder Alexa!

Learn how to properly SPOT, SPEAR, SHEAR, & SHARE Lionfish.

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participate in local derbies

There are various Lionfish Derbies throughout the country and now, throughout the world!

This gorgeous but invasive fish may be in an area near you! Click below to find out more.


โ€œthe greatest danger to our planet is the belief that someone else will save itโ€

Robert Swan

this is a lot to digest

but the best thing to digest is lionfish


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